The ONE Best Way to Find the Best Company+Candidate Fit

After eighteen years in the  executive search business and conducting thousands of interviews, I think my clients would agree that the hallmark of my success has been nailing cultural fit:  being able to hone in on whether or not a candidate will fit into an organization and thrive there.  Why am I so successful at getting it right?       

            I FOCUS ON VALUES.

Values, something our country seems so hungry for right now.  Granted, the candidate must have the baseline work and interpersonal skills to reach this stage, but if the values of the organization match the values of the candidate, then it's magic.  Then, it becomes about fit for the role in the organization (but I have seen companies snag candidates who are outstanding cultural matches and develop them into the role).

My favorite question, which often tells me the most about a candidate's character:  "We all have moments in life that define us.  Please take a moment and reflect and then tell me about a moment that defined you and how it did."  This is when I get the good stuff.  "My dad died of brain cancer when I was 5 and I had to be the father to my siblings. I grew up fast.  Family is everything.  I live everyday to the fullest."  "My dad was a major league baseball pitcher and he never let up on me, always demanded perfection. He taught me the value of hard work and how to overcome obstacles."  "I am a single mom, I worked, went to school at night, while my mom was dying.  I value hard work, family, have empathy for others."

I have been blessed to work with companies that have clear missions and values.  When you know what you are aiming for, it's much easier to nail it.

If you are looking for just the right fit, let's talk.  

Carrie Trabue is President of Carrington Legal Search.