The Benefits of Using A Legal Search Firm When Hiring A General Counsel

Hiring your first general counsel is a serious decision, and the best time to bring in the big guns

Your company has made the decision to hire someone for the role of General Counsel. The looming question is almost always, “Now what?” Hiring the right lawyer for the job is crucial, but let’s be honest: very few businesses are well-versed in what makes one legal candidate better suited than another.  

The period of time between making the decision to hire a General Counsel and getting someone hired can mean the difference between your company thriving or diving. While this may sound extreme, your top lawyer will be responsible for advising on some of the most impactful decisions that your business will ever face. The selection process is your opportunity to make sure that you’re putting the correct person in the driver’s seat.

If this sounds like a task outside of the bounds of your expertise or comfort level, you’re not alone and it’s why most turn to legal recruiters to guide the process. They understand the practice and are experienced at placing the right legal talent in the right roles.

So, why would companies choose to work with legal search firm instead of headhunting on their own?

They deliver top candidates

Legal search firms generally keep their own professional database of top legal talent, which allows them to keep their finger on the pulse of each one’s professional career; even those not actively looking for a job. This matters because 82 percent of currently-employed people are open to new opportunities, but only a small portion of these candidates are actively looking for jobs.

The database, however, is just a starting point. Legal search professionals also research and identify candidates, both on and off the job market outside of their catalog of legal talent. Those who fit the desired profile for the role are contacted, vetted, and then presented to the client for consideration.

Seasoned recruiters are very good at maintaining relationships with individuals in their database, so when opportunities arise and positions become available, recruiters can help match the right lawyer – who may not have been discovered otherwise – with the right position.

In cases where legal recruiters are not used, it is the company’s responsibility to sort through the thousands of resumes being submitted for consideration. Recruiters, however, will take this process off your hands, ensuring that the only resumes that you see are from top candidates.

They handle the interview process

The hiring process is a telling one for both the candidate and the company. Both parties are paying close attention to how the other conducts themselves before, during, and after an interview. And if too many red flags arise, one or both parties could decide to move in a different direction.

As a company, the last thing you want to do is mishandle this delicate period and accidentally send the wrong signals to your top candidates. Legal search professionals assist with the process by replying to candidates in a timely manner, scheduling interviews, conducting follow-ups, and managing next steps. This helps to ensure that nobody falls through the cracks and that general business is not interrupted.

They can see past first impressions

Hiring someone as your general counsel is very different than hiring for any other position, and personality and culture fit are some of the most important requirements for this role.

It’s important to note that lawyers can be masters at creating a great first impression. To the naked eye, an individual may seem like the complete package, but it takes expertise to see beyond just a resume and a good interview to identify the right candidate.

Since most legal search professionals are former practicing lawyers, they can help you to see past these first impressions and focus on each person’s expertise and motivations. An insider’s perspective is invaluable during the selection process, and this perspective often exclusively comes from an experienced legal search professional.

They help close the deal

Seasoned lawyers understand that there is a potential for an earnings loss over the long run when moving in-house, so most will resist initial salary offers and may want to negotiate. Those negotiations often come with various requests to help sweeten the deal, like professional title and future career opportunities. Recruiters can prove instrumental in helping to steer these conversations and effectively navigate the negotiation on your behalf.

They save you time

Recruitment for in-house counsel is a lengthy and time-consuming process, and not one that executives generally have the bandwidth to properly conduct. Forming a solid relationship with a legal recruiter who understands your objectives and the ins and outs of the role, will save you large amounts of time and energy.

They help save you money

The General Counsel role is a critical one, so you cannot afford to make a mistake during the selection process. It is much more expensive to deal with the aftermath of hiring the wrong person than it is to use a legal search professional to ensure that you get it right the first time. It is one of the most important hiring decisions your company can make.

Using an experienced legal search professional allows for a seamless process and helps to ensure that the best person lands the role. Why leave it to chance if you don’t have to?

Carrington Legal Search is devoted to finding the ideal candidates for our clients’ recruitment needs. We have experience in all industries, but particular expertise in the Financial Services (banking, insurance, investment management, etc.) and Technology verticals. To make our nationwide network work for you, get in touch at 512-627-7467 or email