Has Your Company Adopted the Tinder Approach to Search Firms?

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Picking the right search firm is like dating.  There are a lot of good looking firms with pretty PowerPoint presentations which make empty promises and leave you wanting.  Like the dating scene, with social media and email, it has gotten so noisy, it has become increasingly hard to find that right partner. 

With LinkedIn and other social media, there has been a massive shift in search firms and talent acquisition executives’ ability to easily identify and connect with each other.  With this shift, I’ve noticed some companies move toward the Tinder approach to search firms:  the idea that it is best to always have a few search firms competing for their work and the mentality that “You can’t be stuck in one lane … There’s always something better.”  The companies are very upfront that they aren’t interested in partnership:  "this is just a one-time deal, then you have to compete again." How much investment do you think those search firms are going to put into those assignments?  What have these companies communicated about their culture and values?  What kind of talent do you think they are attracting?

An opposite approach:  develop partnerships with select search firms. 

There are significant advantages to this approach:

1.    When you work with a few partners, it is easier to manage the process and it makes sense to “open the kimono” and share more about the company, its executives, strategic initiatives and other information that can significantly help the search firm in crafting the message to recruit the right talent for where the company wants to go to meet its business objectives.  The more information your search firm has the better job it can do.

2.    A search firm that is treated like a partner is more likely to invest in the relationship. They should visit you on campus on a regular basis, tour the company headquarters and be able to speak to its attributes and the surrounding neighborhood and metro area.  They should be familiar with your relocation policy, compensation plans, retirement and the like.

3.    A search firm partner will invest in getting to know and follow company reports, information, and announcements.  A great company partner will make sure that its search firm partners are armed with the latest news.  Being active in the marketplace, your search firm partners should be treated as PR machines that can spread the word about company awards and accomplishments and know how to spin company departures.

4.    With a partnership, it makes sense for both parties to invest the time for the search firm to get to know the relevant company executives and their backgrounds.  By knowing their backgrounds, your partner can save you time and money by highlighting overlapping employment, schools, and interests. This information is also extremely important in assessing fit.

5.    After placing people on the team, the search partner knows the personalities, the strengths, and the weaknesses of the team.  The partner also has a very clear idea as to cultural fit.  This information only helps to make each succeeding placement better.  With an on-going dialogue with the company, the search partner can identify and create a talent pipeline for the company to help fill gaps, aid with succession planning and meet other needs.

6.    When you are working with a true partner, it’s about the relationship.  When you know they are looking out for you, you look out for them.  A partner goes above and beyond what is required. A partner makes sure they know about candidate weaknesses, as well as strengths, so you know what you are getting and can coach up accordingly.

7.    If any issues come up, a partner raises a hand and acts to protect the company and the hiring manager.  They are vested in the long-term relationship.

8.    A partner can passionately communicate the culture and values of the company.  By working closely with the company, they become evangelists for your brand.

9.    A partner finds talent that stays because they want to continue the relationship!  They understand that they must deliver outstanding talent that stays for that to happen.

10. A partner cares about the talent acquisition executive and hiring manager.  They understand that it is only a win if they make them look amazing!

How are you engaging with search firms?  Have you adopted the Tinder approach?  Are your results showing that?   It may be time to delete some programs and do a fresh reboot.

At Carrington, the fabric of our firm is aligning ourselves with the very best companies and developing partnerships with them.  We go above and beyond and prove ourselves every day by delivering the very best talent quickly while abiding by our core values.  If you want to experience exceptional service and results, contact Carrie Trabue, President, Carrington Legal Search at 512.627.7467 or Carrie@CarringtonLegal.com.