8 Ways Your Executive Search Firm Can Make You Look Like a Hero

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Photo by Rawpixel/iStock / Getty Images

Your executive search firm has the power to make you look like a hero through:

1.       Regular communication.  During the search process, your boss wants updates.  When you have an executive search firm that keeps you informed, you look like you have control of the search.

2.       Speed.  When you have an executive search firm that delivers great candidates quickly, it makes you look good.

3.       Making fantastic hires that stick.  Nothing makes you look better than hiring great people.  With the right executive search firm you can assemble a team of super stars, who all get along and are all a cultural fit.  The right executive search firm can help you build an award-winning department or company.

4.       Becoming an ambassador for your brand.  Executive search firms are in the marketplace talking to other executives.  They have the power to help build your brand and reputation.  For example, after years of doing work for USAA, whenever I found out that someone had served in the military, I would ask them if they were a USAA member.  I had become an evangelist for the company.  Capital One embraces this way of thinking. 

5.       Public Relations.  You are in the middle of a search and there is big company news.  The company was just voted best workplace or there is bad news that could turn candidates off.  Your executive search firm should be kept apprised of awards won, earnings reports, new ad campaigns, strategic goals, bad company news.  Whether it is sharing the excitement over an award won or the new vision or achievement of a strategic objective, your executive search consultant should be viewed as a PR machine and armed with all the tools to be a great one.  Similarly, if there is bad company news or a key change in personnel, it is important to partner with your executive search firm so together you can make sure that the messaging is handled correctly.

6.       Market Knowledge.  Your executive search consultant is on the phone every day speaking with others in your space.  They should be able to advise you on a range of matters from compensation, the size, quality and composition of your department,  to top-grading talent, to market trends.

7.       M&A.  Your executive search consultant is in the business of the continuous acquisition of market knowledge about companies and their key players.  This makes them a perfect catalyst for bringing together like minded companies.

8.       Partnership.  Many companies confuse search consultants with recruiters and treat them as adversaries.  The goal of every company should be to develop great long term relationships with a handful of search “partners.”  As a partner, you will find your executive search firm uncovering opportunities for you and your company to gain a business advantage and look like a hero.

At Carrington Legal Search, we find joy in seeing you succeed.  We have a track record of long term partnerships with our clients, making hires that stick, acting as evangelists for their brands, and bringing them opportunities.  If your experience with your search consultant is anything less, contact us:  Carrie Trabue (512) 627.7467 or Carrie@CarringtonLegal.com.