Evergreen Talent: Why Does Your Organization Need It?

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Hiring and cultivating the right candidates to create a sustainable workforce

The average annual employee turnover rate in the U.S. is 19%, leading to billions in lost revenue and productivity. Maintaining low turnover isn’t just about flashy benefits and raises. It requires a consistent commitment from leadership to cultivate “evergreen talent” and develop an engaging work environment. 

Let's explore exactly what evergreen talent is and how some top companies are working to make it the norm:

What is evergreen talent?

When applied to hiring, evergreen talent is a concept dedicated to placing the right candidates in the right roles, nurturing their growth, and creating a sustainable workforce. 

Consider this: why do highly skilled people thrive in certain environments and not in others, even though the job title and responsibilities are the same? It’s often not a lack of skill that results in failure, but a combination of other factors such as leadership, professional development, and recognition.

Harnessing these elements and combining them with the right hiring decisions creates evergreen talent. 

Cultivating evergreen talent

1. Self-evaluation

Review your organization and consider what is most important to your overall success. Some of the questions to ask are:

  • What does it take to be successful at your company?

  • What are some of the characteristics of your best employees?

  • What are some of the characteristics of your worst employees or those you’ve had to let go?

  • What does your organization need from your team to be successful?

The answers to these questions will help you discover what matters most to your business and how to create a culture that supports it.

2. Create the right culture

32% of new hires who quit within the first 90 days cite company culture as the reason for leaving. Culture doesn’t just refer to happy hours and flexible benefits. It manifests itself at every turn.

To fully understand your organization’s culture, consider the values set forth by the company, and then dive into the subcultures created within each department and team. How are your leaders and managers affecting employees on a daily basis? Are there instances of micromanaging, stunted growth, and unreliable leadership that wear on employees and cause friction?

Nurturing evergreen talent is about knowing what makes your culture strong and hiring candidates who will thrive in it. Ask your successful employees what they value most about the organization, and use that feedback to recruit prospects with those same values.

3. Increase employee engagement

An engaged workforce can reduce a company’s turnover rate by up to 59%. Support, recognition, and empowerment are vital to creating an enthusiastic and driven team.

Does leadership show employees appreciation and recognition in a timely and meaningful way? Are employees given opportunities to step up, challenge themselves, and demonstrate their skill sets? Consider these opportunities for increased engagement.

4. Encourage professional development

93% of employees report that they would stay longer at their jobs if their company invested in their careers. Consider your onboarding process. Does the investment end when employees are hired or are there active steps being taken throughout their career to push them forward?

This could include financially investing in tools and courses employees need to grow. It could also happen one-on-one through a mentorship program with senior leadership.

Professional development creates a supportive and empowering atmosphere where employees feel valued, and it provides organizations with a more talented workforce.

5. Hire the right candidates

Evergreen talent isn’t built on a foundation of perfect candidates; it’s cultivated by finding candidates who are perfect for your organization. Seek out those who will thrive in your environment and carefully assess potential hires to determine if they fit the culture. And once they are on board, invest in them to keep them evergreen.

Carrington Legal Search is celebrating 20 years in business: we were in the trenches with our clients during 9/11 and 2008. We partner with our clients to identify leaders and mission-critical talent to shore up and grow companies even during the most challenging times. We are here for you! To make our nationwide network work for you, get in touch at 512-627-7467 or email carrie@carringtonlegal.com.