4 Tips for Leading Through the Coronavirus Crisis


4 crucial lessons in leadership learned from responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 has certainly exposed some ugly truths and gaps in organizational management, but it has also provided excellent examples of leadership in a time of crisis. In fact, 78% of employees think their organization responded to the pandemic appropriately, and 80% believe their leaders acted proactively to protect their health and safety.

Responses to the crisis are varied, but fundamental lessons can be learned from those who are weathering the storm effectively.

Here are 4 vital concepts that shape positive organizational responses to COVID-19: 

1. People come first

The companies that have had the most success throughout the pandemic—or at least the ones receiving the most praise—are organizations that put their employees' health and wellness above the bottom line. The ability to do this varies by organization, but recognizing people as the most important asset is what counts.

Many companies are extending paid leave and sick benefits to employees affected by the virus, even going so far as to pay for medical costs not covered by insurance. Others, such as Ally Financial, offer cash bonuses, extended child care, and free access to mental health professionals.

2. Planning and foresight are essential

According to a survey conducted by PRNEWS and CS&A International, 62% of companies have some sort of crisis plan. But few organizations update them, and even fewer practice crisis scenarios. That also means nearly 40% of businesses have no crisis plan at all, which was made very clear when COVID-19 hit. 

Many executives have expressed that their plans were not as thorough as they hoped. Foresight requires leaders to objectively anticipate challenges, no matter how extreme they may seem, and form plans to combat them. Superior foresight happens when leaders include others from all levels of the organization to brainstorm potential challenges and determine the best path forward.

Leaders who plan and involve others are more likely to not only survive a crisis but create a resilient team that will rebound quickly.

3. Adaptability and flexibility are a must

Flexible leaders are constantly absorbing new information and adapting plans accordingly. They are not fixated on one course of action and can make varying decisions objectively.

It’s no exaggeration to say that regulations and guidelines changed every day in the early onset of COVID-19. Those who showed great leadership took things day-by-day, making the best decisions they could with the information they had. 

Flexibility also extends to the treatment of employees. Companies that could make a quick transition to the “new normal” encountered fewer struggles, which shows in their workforce's reaction. Employees who say their organizations responded well to the crisis are four times more likely to be engaged and six times more likely to report a state of well-being.

4. Transparency and honesty rule

The most profound lessons in leadership have come from individuals who recognize the frustration, confusion, and anxiety this pandemic has created for their employees. One successful reaction to this challenge is to be as transparent as possible, providing consistent and thorough communication through a variety of channels.

One of the best examples was Airbnb. Although the company had to lay off a large portion of its workforce, leaders did so with extreme clarity and humanity, eliminating as much confusion as possible. Other companies are scheduling regular CEO webinars and team huddles, so employees have unfettered access to leadership for questions.

The lesson here is that in a time of crisis, leadership needs to establish a consistent and frequent communication schedule that prioritizes employee health and safety. Communicate with facts, admit uncertainty, and show empathy to those who are the foundation of the business.

Powering through a pandemic requires great leadership

COVID-19 will forever change the workplace, and it's hard to predict all of the lessons we'll learn along the way. From a leadership standpoint, this is the perfect time to build a strong foundation for a resilient workforce—one filled with engaged employees ready to make a full recovery when this crisis has passed.

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